Sunday, October 26, 2008

22 days later

I have not blogged in 3 weeks but I have a good reason. I was recently diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency. Number one symptom is fatigue, number one cause is lack of sunshine. I would love to say I have been outside in the sun instead of blogging, but the truth is, I have been doing the minimum to get by and then either going to bed early or laying on the couch watching tv. Depressing...

But, since I got the call from my PCP, I have been faithfully taking my supplement and even though it has been only a few days, I am starting to perk up. Could be all in my head, but who cares as long as I am feeling better.

A lot has happened in the past 22 days, most disturbing is that my car was broken into. That pretty much sucked, but the experience reminded me how much i have to be grateful for. Enough said.

Speaking if grateful, I have to say my hubs is the best! For a while, we have been struggling with storage issues, mostly concerning my clothes. Our apartment has built in drawers and closets, and one would think it was space saving, but I have such a hard time getting the drawers open and closed (the house is over 100 years old and the carpentry work was...well....shoddy), that we decided to do something different. Here are the finished results:

We got the materials at Ikea, and spent a total of $30.00 for the metal shelves, the large boxes on the top and bottom, and smaller boxes in the middle. We still plan to hang a curtail rod and a curtain to hide the shelving, but even if we left it as is, I think it looks fine. Before we did this, there used to be a television in that spot - a lot of wasted space, since I have stopped watching television in bed.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I swear, I am not breaking everyone's cars

Picked up my boss on the way to work today. When I got in, I got a call from one of my employees, saying she was going to be late because they were having car trouble. I am not even kidding.

The hubs and I are getting our hair done at our salon and then having dinner here. Should be a nice way to end a long week!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Back on the least, I am

Car is fixed, yay! I was able to get to work with no problems today. What a relief! As I expected, there was a ton waiting for me, but it was okay. I was just glad I had my independence back. Plus, we needed groceries, which I was going to pick up on Monday after work.

At noon, my boss came into my office and asked for a ride home. His car would not start.

I had NOTHING to do with it.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wednesday worries

Picked the car up today and drove the hubs to the subway station. As I was passing my house on the way to work, it started making the chugging sound again, so back to the garage I went. They think it needs new plugs and a new ignition cable.

Needless to say, I am working from home again today. Don't get me wrong - I am grateful to have a job where I CAN work from home, it's just frustrating to be forced to. As much as I am able to get done, I know there will be so much more waiting for me when I finally get into the office.